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coor työpaikkaa

Lajitteluperuste : -
11 työpaikkaa
  • Näytä työnantajan samankaltaiset työpaikat
Olemme poistaneet työpaikkailmoituksia, jotka olivat hyvin samanlaisia kuin aiemmin näytetyt ilmoitukset. Jos haluat nähdä myös nämä tulokset, voit tehdä hakusi uudelleen sisällyttäen siihen poistetut työpaikkailmoitukset.

Job Post Details

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Summer job: Cleaners, Capital Area

2.9/5 tähteä
Sinun on luotava Indeed-tili ennen kuin voit hakea työpaikkaa yrityksen sivustolla.

Työpaikan tiedot

Työpaikan tyyppi

  • Määräaikainen



Täydellinen työnkuvaus

As a cleaner at Coor, you make a big difference for our customers daily. Ideas, initiatives, and new smart ways of working in our business are welcomed. You also get great opportunities to develop based on who you are and what you can do. Of course, you can lean on safe and decent terms of employment.

Are you looking for a summer job in Helsinki Metropolitan area? Then we are looking for you!

We are now recruiting


to join our cleaning team for the summer in Helsinki Metropolitan area

The positions are part time (15 - 20 hours/week). Shifts take place on all days of the week, including weekends, ranging from 8 am to 6 pm. The salary is paid according to the collective agreement of the facilities services sector.

The customer is a very stylish apartment style hotel. As a member of a Coor team your task is to take care of the cleanliness of the apartments as well as the common areas. The cleaning tasks are, for example, dust removal, window cleaning, vacuuming and floor cleaning.

We offer you a good induction to your job and to Coor’s practices.

Become one of many. But not one in the crowd.

For this position we hope that you have previous experience in home cleaning or hotel cleaning. Customer service experience is seen as a plus. The customer’s hotels are in Myyrmäki, Katajanokka, Sörnäinen, Malmi and Herttoniemi and Otaniemi. We are looking for people who can flexibly work in all locations.

You can work independent, and you can work efficiently in English.

Please apply for this summer job by 31.3. We are reading applications during application period and the positions are filled when the right persons are found.

Please note that we process all applications only in our recruitment system.

You become part of a culture where differences move us forward. We know that magic is created in the meeting between different backgrounds, skills, and personalities. We see it every day. We are over 12,000 employees, and together we can achieve a lot. So come and make us better based on who you are. At Coor, you are the difference.

Hae työpaikkoja helpostiJulkaise ansioluettelosi